admin, Author at Colorado Weather Coatings

How long does a foam roof last?

How long does a foam roof last?

Foam roofing, especially those constructed with spray polyurethane foam, has increased in popularity in both residential and commercial buildings because it offers better energy efficiency, high durability, and ease of installation. But one of the most common questions for this kind of roofing that property owners have is: How long is the life span of an SPF roof? This article explains the variables that will affect how long a foam roof can last, what general, overall expected lifespan to consider, and general practices for maintenance to ensure longevity.

What Is a Foam Roof?
Foam roofing is created from two liquid chemicals, isocyanate and polyol, combined together and then expanded to form a solid, seamless layer of foam over the roof. This foam will expand at a ratio of 20:1 and attaches itself in a seamless, continuous fashion to the roof substrate, very resistance to water and air infiltration. The layer of foam is generally covered with some sort of protective coating to shield it from UV rays and other forms of physical damage; this would definitely include silicone or acrylic.

Factors That Affect How Long Foam Roofs Last

Quality of the Installation
Foam roof life depends on the quality of the installation. Indeed, proper installation requires highly trained and qualified contractors who can do justice to intricate mixing and application. Some of the key problems of poor installation are improper adhesion, which may lead to potentially insufficient thickness and uneven application, all of which substantially curtail the life expectancy of the roof. To this end, it becomes very important to pick a reputable contractor with sufficient experience in SPF roofing.

Type and Quality of Materials
The kind of foam and protective coating that is used also has a big effect on the lifespan a roof will enjoy. Higher SPF materials and coatings are more resistant to UV and broad temperature swings. Higher investment in superior materials could correlate with a life expectancy that is longer, having a reduced frequency of maintenance.

Climatic Conditions and Environment
The life expectancy of a foam roof is drastically affected by the climatic and environmental exposures that the roof undergoes. Extreme temperatures, considerable rainfall, high humidity, and irreversible ultraviolet rays work together in wearing out the roof over time. Added protective measures, like thicker coatings or additional maintenance, can help extend life expectancy under harsher weather conditions.

Maintenance Practices
To keep the working performance of the foam roof, regular maintenance is very necessary. Small problems that can easily grow to major ones could be detected with regular visits. Re-coating the roof every 5 to 15 years depends on where it is located and the coating used. Standard maintenance regarded it as, and may grant a further lifetime of many years to the roofing.

Typical Longevity of Foam Roofs
In perfect conditions and if well maintained, a foam roof can last around 20 to 30 years. However, cases of foam roofs are not unheard of to easily surpass that mark, with many going up to 50 years. Here is what to expect during the different phases of the lifecycle of a foam roof, rather:

Initial Installation (0-5 years)
In the early years after installation, most foam roofs perform very well, with relatively low maintenance. The foam is still resilient, and the protective coating is sound, providing excellent resistance to leaks and weather damage. Regular inspections during this time may be used to establish a base line so that future maintenance can be compared against.

Mid-Life (5-15 years)
Over time, coating wears out, mainly on areas directly hit by sunlight and areas with high foot traffic. This is the time frame when re-coating of the roofing needs to be done. Besides replacing the protective layer, re-coating gives an opportunity to address minor damages done in order to extend life expectancy of the roofing. As such, the property owners should set a budget for re-coating during this time to ensure optimum performance of the roof.

Maturity (15-30 Years)
With constant upkeep, including periodic recoating and patching, a properly applied foam roof can continue to perform and protect throughout its third decade. At this stage in the life cycle, attention may need to be focused on specific locations showing wear and tear. Regular inspections will become necessary to identify any new cracks, among other issues, in which the foam could have thinning areas present. These minor problems can be prevented from becoming significant problems that can compromise the integrity of a roof through prompt repairs.

Medium-Long Term (30+ years)
If 20 to 30 years may be the normal life expectancy of a foam roof, there are those that last beyond these years. Further coating, combined with new methods of maintenance, can give the roof an extended life. Property owners who invest in good materials and some elbow grease have a clear shot at getting more years of hassle-free service from their foam roof.

Best Practices in Foam Roof Maintenance

Listed here are some of the best practices that a building owner must take into consideration to maximize the life of a foam roof:

Periodic Inspection
It should be inspected at least twice a year for the condition of the roofing. Inspection should also be done after major weather events such as storms or hail. Inspect for cracks, blisters, or thinly coated portions during the inspection. Early detection will prompt repairs and prevent further deterioration.

Prompt Repairs
Address any problem identified as it may worsen if not addressed. Chips or punctures that may be small can easily be patched, but the source is bound to grow and cause broad damage if left unattended. Seek professional services from a roofing contractor to ensure any repairs are done effectively and perfectly.

It allows preserving the protective barrier of a roof. Application differs among coating types and by rule of climatic conditions: high quality silicone or acrylic coats provide superior UV resistance and durability, hence requiring re-coating less often. Re-coating protects the layer from deterioration, enhances the reflective properties, and prolongs the life time span.

Preventative Measures
Implement measures to prevent damage to this roof. For example, avoid walking on the roof wherever possible to protect the foam and coating from physical damage. Install walkways or protected mats in places where regular access is necessary to the roof. Trim tree overhangs to prevent accumulation of debris and potential damage from falling branches.

Maintenance by a Professional
Engage professional roofing contractors for routine maintenance and repairs. In that way, experienced contractors can identify what the potential problems are and provide effective solutions to deal with them. It ensures professional maintenance so that the roof remains in optimum condition and maximizes its lifespan.

Foam roofs provide energy efficiency and durability and can establish a long-term roofing solution for residential or commercial real estate. While the typical lifespan of a foam roof ranges from 20 to 30 years, proper installation, high-quality materials, regular maintenance, and timely re-coating can significantly extend this lifespan. By following best practices for maintenance and investing in professional care, property owners can enjoy the benefits of their foam roof for many decades, achieving an excellent return on their investment.

How Long Does Foam Roofing Typically Last On Commercial Structures?

How Long Does Foam Roofing Typically Last On Commercial Structures?

Foam roofing is becoming more and more popular for commercial structures, and they bring a lot of benefits. From its seamless application to great insulation and water resistance, foam coatings bring a lot of value. Particularly in sunny climates like Colorado, foam roofing in Denver can save money on energy bills by reflecting that light instead of absorbing it – thanks to the coating’s light-colored surface.

Replacing the roof on any commercial structure can be expensive, so making sure it’s built to last is a major concern. Most spray foam roofing will work with many different kinds of surfaces, and it is also good for a variety of different climates. On average, a well-installed and properly maintained foam roofing system can last around 20 to 30 years.

Get The Best Quality From The Start

Your foam roof’s lifespan depends on a lot of outside factors. First and foremost, the quality of the installation is vital. Making sure it’s don’t by an experienced and professional team can get proper and even application is essential ensure the longevity of the roofing system. Professionals will make sure the roof is approached properly, allowing for a solid seamless application that doesn’t impede on any openings for things like HVAC systems or other vents.

Maintenance is also crucial. Performing regular maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your foam roof. This maintenance includes inspecting the surface for damage, cleaning the area, and addressing any issues promptly. By neglecting this maintenance, it can lead to superficial scratches turning into much more serious problems. It can also lead to premature deterioration. It’s also important to take into account how much foot traffic the roof has. Heavy foot traffic can damage the foam roofing, so proper precautions should be taken to minimize this risk.

Weather Has An Impact

Foam roofing does well in dry and moderate climates, but exposure to extreme weather conditions can affect the lifespan. One of these is extreme sunlight, which can be a concern in Colorado since the sun shines nearly every day throughout the year. UV radiation can take its toll, but some roofing systems are equipped with UV protection.

Hail and heavy precipitation can also affect foam roofing, making regular maintenance and inspections crucial following a hailstorm. Because climate can play a large role in how long your foam roof lasts, it can be beneficial to come up with a maintenance schedule around the weather. For example, if your area gets heavy hailstorms every May, or if a lot of sunlight in July makes the average temperature is very high, it might be a good idea to schedule inspections and other maintenance around those times.

Foam roofing offers a lot of protection and can be more cost effective than more traditional roofs. Making sure it’s installed correctly and delivering proper maintenance can make this investment last for a very long time. For more information on foam roofing and how it can work for your commercial structure, reach out to the experts at Colorado Weather Coatings today.

Why Give Your Roofing Contract To A Professional Roofing Service

Why Give Your Roofing Contract To A Professional Roofing Service

Many people find it appealing to do their own roofing work or to hire amateurs to install or repair their roofs. No matter how many self-help videos you watch, your level of expertise won’t compare to that of a qualified commercial roofing denver co. You might believe that you can cut the cost of your roofing project by a few hundred dollars. But you’re overlooking the possibility that a shoddy job will ultimately cost you more money and leave you unsatisfied. You still don’t believe you require a qualified roofing contractor in the USA?

Why Employ a Roofing Service Expert in the USA?
Finding and hiring the best commercial roofer denver in the business is one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. You’re in luck because there are lots of reputable professionals with years of experience. Therefore, you will have options when selecting the top roofing services. Let’s examine some advantages of working with the best commercial roofer.

Personal Security

No matter if it is a residential or a commercial project, roofing is actually full of risks. Numerous incidents of do-it-yourselfers falling off roofs while performing inspections, new roof installation, or repair work. Some people think that buying safety equipment will keep them protected from risks. Correct, but only if you work as a full-time roofer and know the risks thoroughly, you have the risk of making errors that can cause physical damage. Let the experienced commercial roofing contractors denver handle your project. The risk of accidents is reduced when you use a roofing service with excellent reviews.

Keeping to a set budget

Without sufficient planning or budgeting, starting a DIY roofing project can easily cost much more than you had anticipated. Calculating the material costs for your residential roofing project and keeping track of other costs are both parts of budgeting. It’s best to leave the project in the hands of experts. The best estimates for shingle roofing or other materials can be given to you and your family from them, and they can also make sure you stay within your budget. You will receive a breakdown of the costs each time they come for the inspection. You now know roughly how much you spend each year on the roof.

Getting Discounted Roofing Materials

When purchasing roofing supplies at your neighborhood hardware store or supply house, you frequently pay the full retail cost for the necessities. You can obtain a variety of materials at affordable prices by using a commercial roofing company in Denver. Because they take on numerous projects, they typically purchase materials like shingles for roof installation or replacement in large quantities.

On the other hand, commercial contractors purchase their roofing materials in bulk because they frequently have multiple projects underway at once. As a result, they buy at wholesale prices. A contractor will include your products in their bulk order if you purchase your roofing material from them.

You will still get a discount off the retail price even if they quote the materials a little higher. And who doesn’t enjoy putting aside a little money here and there when they can?

Respects local building regulations

It’s unlikely that you are unfamiliar with your city’s building regulations. In essence, these laws and rules outline how business owners and contractors should manage construction projects. You could make mistakes that result in your roof being torn off if you attempt to install a new roof yourself without first consulting the relevant local codes. By hiring a commercial roofer contractor in Denver, you can prevent the financial loss and the expense of re-roofing your building. The professionals from a commercial roofing company in Denver can properly handle your large roofing job because they are knowledgeable about building codes.

Outstanding craftsmanship

Customers for roofing are aware that quality roofing results from practical experience. You will never master the specialist skill level, no matter how many DIY videos you watch or how many manufacturer’s manuals or guides you read. The commercial roofing contractors in Denver frequently go through professional training and work on various projects. Years of toil and dedication are required for all of this. Customers can always expect flawless roof installations and prompt roof repairs as result.

More than just fastening a flat roofing membrane to the substrate is involved in roofing work. You need to consider things like roof drainage, ventilation outlets, and other things. You are certain to make a mistake without enough experience that could jeopardize your installation. A small error could cause a leaky roof, while a major one could necessitate replacing the entire roof. When you can hire a commercial roofing expert to carry out proper installation and repairs, why waste time and money?

Suggestions for the Best Materials

There are various types of materials you can put to use to roof a building or your home. If you don’t know which products are best for your home, choosing the right ones for roof application can be challenging. You can choose a durable roof material that can withstand the weather in your city with the aid of commercial roofing services. They probably have experience with a variety of materials from different brands and are knowledgeable about what will work for your roof.

Contractors for Roofing Can Save You Money

Roofing companies can help you save money in two different ways. By doing the job correctly the first time, they can save you money on materials by purchasing them on your behalf as a consumer. If you choose to do it yourself, there is a chance that you will make mistakes that result in a roof leak or other issues. In the end, the cost of the roofing process exceeds the actual cost of the job. Hiring a commercial roofing contractor in Denver with experience will help you avoid mistakes that could ultimately result in a lower-quality roof.

The installation of your roof calls for the utmost care and years of experience to match the quality that can protect you from severe weather. Therefore, it is best to let a professional handle this task. Professional commercial roofers in Denver are skilled because they have a lot of practice. Therefore, it is crucial to hire a commercial roofing contractor in Denver to complete your roof repair.

A Guide On How To Fix Hail Damage On Commercial Roofs

A Guide On How To Fix Hail Damage On Commercial Roofs

Many roofing companies are frequently involved in FLAT ROOF REPAIR DENVER COLORADO, but when the issue is beyond repair, flat roof replacement companies will take over. Flat roofs are always subjected to modifications due to hailstorms, and this can be a major issue for any business owner.

It doesn’t make any difference how serious the hailstorm is; even a little storm can influence the watertight reliability of a roofing framework. Hailstorms show no mercy, and if you live in an area prone to hailstorms, then your home or office is exposed to them and damage is inevitable. DENVER COMMERCIAL ROOFING is expensive and can be a hindrance to your normal course of business. This is why you need the BEST ROOFING COMPANIES IN DENVER to assist with fixes for the issues brought about by hailstorms.

Factors that Worsen Hail Damage on Commercial Roofs

Roofing materials

The material utilized for building or repairing a commercial rooftop can be susceptible to harm. Having an aluminum rooftop makes dents a common sight on the roof after hailstorms. Similarly, various other materials respond differently to hailstorms. If your rooftop is made using an asphalt compound, the hailstorms will puncture it within no time.

The Roof’s Age

A rooftop will age profoundly and will degrade over the course of time. What a hailstorm will do is speed up the degradation as harm builds on a roofing framework. The rooftop’s capacity to safeguard your commercial structure will depend on a mix of how old the roof is and the harm that a hailstorm will cause.

The size and density of the hailstones

Do you want to know what a hailstorm feels like on your rooftop? It could be compared to stomping a 10lb demolition hammer to beat on your roof. No roofing framework is made to endure that kind of beating, and it will surrender to the force of the hailstones and thickness of the stones within no time. One thing to remember about hailstones is that they have barbed little edges. That can be the most terrible thing for a TPO or EPDM system because it will endure punctures, allowing water to come in.


The wind during a hailstorm will only enhance the damage. Once the hail is powered by the speed and intensity of the wind, it can do some heavy damage to the roof.


Barriers can be a good ally during hailstorms. Barriers like trees and overhangs can restrict possible harm to your commercial roofing framework as they will retain the brunt of the power of hailstones.

What to Know About Hail Damage on Commercial Roofs

Indications of hail damage

Harmless drains will show the effect of a hailstorm, and you probably won’t know about it except if you get on a stepping stool and take a look. Huge marks will be the signs you are searching for after a hailstorm. However, remember, little scarred spaces can also mean that the drain has been harmed by hail.

Harmed siding and windowsills will uncover hail damage, and it seems to be this: marks and dings that were absent before the storm are hail damage pointers. Search for piercings in the metal windowsills and siding; they will be passage focuses for water to get in. Would it be advisable for you to disregard to fix them?

After a serious hailstorm, damage to the ACs and outdoor furniture will appear. They will be seen as disfigured, grinding on the AC, pocking on deck furniture. If you see your AC with dents in the plating, call your insurance agency and make a case.

Damage to decks and painted wood surfaces will be obvious when you review them from the outside. Painted surfaces and decks will seem to have a polka-dotted pattern as the paint where the hailstones have hit will be taken out from that spot. It is better to have a ROOF COATING DENVER service number in hand.

Remember to check the rooftop vents and different highlights, similar to a bay window, for harm. The metal vents will show a downturn where the hailstones have had an effect, and your bay window will show breaks if the hailstorm has been very serious. When the vent is gouged, it can form a break-another passage point for water, like a broken bay window.

What to be mindful of during a hailstorm

A hail storm has blown through your region, and the difficult work starts. You should survey the harm that has been done to decide your next strategy. Exceptional harm will require experts to remediate the issues your rooftop and auxiliary things have maintained. Here is a portion of what to be on the lookout for while considering the harm the hailstorm has created on your property.

Circular dents are normal after a hailstorm, and they show up consistently across the whole roofing structure. Likewise, if the storm has had a heavy impact on the rooftop, circular dents will be present there. It is no different for composite, wood, and metal rooftops.

Missing shingles are one more component of hail storms’ harm to a roofing framework. It begins with high winds that are essential for a hailstorm. The breeze will loosen a shingle’s grasp, pulling up the nails that fasten the shingle to the rooftop, and the hailstone will knock the shingle or completely off the rooftop.

Want to see a black-eyed roof? Well, the staining or color streaking of the shingles is identical to the hailstorm giving your rooftop a bruised eye. The colours can run the range from dark to red, yellow, and white. Harm is inconsistent, and so is the discoloration of the shingles on the rooftop.

Rooftop Harm Requiring Emergency Repair

After a hailstorm, you will know when you want a crisis fix. The signs you see will lead you to call a Denver roofer immediately. An exhaustive investigation will bring out all the details you require to begin repairs. As referenced above, commercial roofing frameworks can break or be split, and that is when water will enter. However, the crack may not be visible to the naked eye in all cases.

You might think everything is great and get on with your life, but when you spot water stains on the roof, walls, or puddles on the floor after the next rainstorm, That ought to let you know all you want to be aware of and type “roof repair near me” on Google. To be safe, after a hailstorm, have a roofing contractor come in for a complete review. He will see what you don’t, and fix any additional issues.

The Importance of Proper Repairs

Remember, if you don’t see rooftop damage after a hailstorm, it doesn’t mean there is no damage. It takes years of experience to recognize issues, no matter how small they are. The issues will develop and cause weakening of your roofing framework. Flooding, mold, microscopic organisms, and different issues will creep up when roofing issues are underestimated and the expenses become galactic. It isn’t simply the maintenance costs; it is the business loss you face if you don’t hire a roof company in Colorado immediately after a hailstorm.

Which Materials Are Best Suited For Commercial Roofing In Denver?

Which Materials Are Best Suited For Commercial Roofing In Denver?

When it comes to Dever commercial roofing, choosing the right materials can make a significant difference. Not just in terms of durability, but also in terms of energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. With the city’s diverse weather conditions ranging from hot summers to snowy winters, the roofing material must be resilient and adaptable. Let’s delve into the materials that are best suited for Denver commercial roofing.

Different Types Of Roofing Materials

Choosing the right roofing material is not only crucial for the longevity of your roof but also for optimizing energy efficiency, especially in a city like Denver, known for its diverse weather conditions. Let’s delve into some of the best-suited materials for commercial roofing in Denver that can withstand its unique climate while offering some cost-saving benefits.

1. Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is an excellent choice for commercial buildings in Denver. It offers a seamless and robust layer of insulation that helps maintain indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling. This material is also waterproof and can prevent leaks, a common issue in areas with heavy snowfall.

2. Metal Roofing

Despite the initial cost, metal roofing is a popular choice for Denver businesses due to its long lifespan and durability. It’s resistant to wind, fire, and impact damage, and can handle heavy snow loads. Most importantly, metal roofs reflect solar heat, helping lower cooling costs during the summer months. This can be improved even further by installing spray foam insulation and roof coatings on your metal roof. These additions can also be great at restoring metal roofing, saving you a whole lot of money on brand new installations.

3. Roof Coatings

Applying a roof coating on an existing roof is a cost-effective way to extend its life while improving energy efficiency and saving money. These coatings reflect sunlight and absorb less heat, reducing cooling costs. They also add an additional layer of waterproofing, protecting the roof from Denver’s sudden downpours and heavy snowfall.

4. Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO)

Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) is a single-ply roofing membrane that’s gaining popularity among Denver businesses. TPO roofs are durable, resistant to UV damage, and highly reflective, making them an energy-efficient solution. They are also recyclable, which adds to their appeal for businesses looking for eco-friendly options.

At Colorado Weather Coatings, we specialize in energy-efficient solutions that save money and protect your roof. We offer spray foam insulation, metal roof restoration, and roof coatings for all types of roofs, as well as fitting any type of roofing that best suits your property and budget. We understand the importance of choosing the right materials for your commercial roof, and we’re here to guide you through that process.

Contact us today for more information on how we can save you money on your Denver commercial roofing project.

How To Maintain A Commercial Roof

How To Maintain A Commercial Roof

Commercial roofs can take a beating from the weather and a number of other things. Since they’re an expensive part of maintaining your business, keeping up with their maintenance is crucial. From regular inspections to updating the type of roof, there are a number of methods that can be used to extend the roof’s lifespan.

Denver commercial roofing faces a number of challenges – mainly from the ever-changing climate that belongs to Colorado. From very sunny days to surprise snowstorms and hail damage, your commercial roof can face problems during any season throughout the year. Understanding how to maintain your commercial roof can extend its life and keep you from spending on preventable repairs or other issues.

Regular Inspections & Cleaning

By performing regular inspections on the entire roof at least twice per year, it will give you the jump on identifying and addressing any issues before they become major problems. Ideally, these inspections take place in the spring and the fall, setting you up for success before the harsh summer and winter months hit. Summer brings a lot of heat – and notably some hail in Colorado – while winter’s chilly temps and snow can cause issues all their own.

It’s also important to make sure the roof remains clear of debris like leaves, branches, and dirt. If these things are allowed to accumulate, they can trap moisture on the roof’s surface which speeds up the deterioration of the surface. Cleaning the surface of the roof can also prevent the growth of damaging things like mold and algae. Inspecting the roof for areas where water may be pooling can also help prevent roof leaks and other structural damage.

Check Out Seals & Flashing

Odds are a commercial roof isn’t just a wide, flat surface. There are likely things popping up out of the roof like vents, pipes, and HVAC units. The seals and flashing around these things can sometimes get compromised, so it’s important to repair or replace any issues as they arise. Punctures and tears in the roof’s surface must also be fixed promptly, since those will also allow water to infiltrate the surface. While inspecting the roof, it’s also important to make sure your HVAC is running properly. These systems can also leak, which can compromise the structure of the roof.

Many of these problems might be easier to maintain with a commercial roof coating, which minimizes the amount of seals and flashings that are needed. The roof coating will also protect against UV rays and extend the life of the roof. It can also help improve energy efficiency. Maintaining the roof coating is also much easier, because specific areas can be addressed without having to replace large areas of the roof.

For more information on how to maintain your commercial roof, and things to look for when inspecting the surface, reach out to the experts at Colorado Weather Coatings today.

Most commercial roofs have a lot of surface area, and that means more room for debris and other clutter to wind up there.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Foam Roofing For Commercial Properties?

What Are The Benefits Of Using Foam Roofing For Commercial Properties?

It might be an afterthought for most businesses, but the roof on your commercial property is one of the most important pieces of where you do business. Getting the right roofing system in place can offer a lot of benefits – particularly with all of those sunny days and ever-changing weather systems that go along with the Colorado climate.

One of the best options to extend the lifespan and get energy savings from your roof is to utilize spray foam roof. It’ll help the roof look better, too. There are a number of options for these roofs, and it can be used to enhance any flat, asphalt, EPDM, metal, or TPO roof. Getting a foam roof in Denver will be a lasting decision that will offer advantages you never thought of.

Cost Savings Through Energy Efficiency

Foam roofing is an excellent insulator, because it reduces the transfer of heat by covering your roof consistently across the whole surface. It’s also generally bright in color, which reflects the heat from the sun instead of absorbing it. Between the insulation and the reflective nature of the surface, it leads to lower heating and cooling costs. That not only keeps your utility bills in check – keeping more money in your business – but it also lends to a smaller carbon footprint.

Because it’s a foam that covers the entire surface area, it creates a seamless layer across the whole roof. That means no more joints and seams that can cause leaks, since those are one of the most common sources that allows water to infiltrate other roofing systems. This helps even in extreme weather conditions, because the structure of the foam can hold up to just about anything thrown its way.

Durability, Versatility & Easy Maintenance

When properly installed and maintained, these roofs have extreme durability. One spray foam roof can usually last for more than two decades, because it is resistant to other common roofing issues like cracking and peeling. It’s sprayed on, making application easy to numerous roof shapes, styles, and surfaces – including flat and roofs with a low slope. You also don’t have to worry about the vents and other equipment on the roof, because the foam can seal around them – maintaining all of their effectiveness.

Foam roofs are also easier to take care of because the maintenance required is minimal. It needs regular inspections to make sure there isn’t any damage, but repairs are very simple. Generally, the only repairs these types of roofs need is the occasional recoating to keep it in good condition. Also, since the foam creates a consistent layer across the entire roof, even the most extensive repairs tend to be very cost effective ad straightforward.

There are a lot of different ways to protect your commercial roof, but spray foam roofing has become a popular option because of the cost savings and other benefits it presents. For more information on spray foam roofing, and how it may work for your business, reach out to the experts at Colorado Weather Coatings today.

Advantages Of Foam Roofing

Advantages Of Foam Roofing

Most of you can put in your entire life’s savings and more into upgrading your home. Nowadays, people expect to maintain heated floors, first-rate appliances, and imported furniture. What if you’re forsaking one of the most vital parts of your home? Some homeowners put time and money into every nook and corner of their home, but the part they don’t check; their roof. A poor roof leaves you vulnerable to a variety of damages to your home.

Once you notice that it’s time for roof operation, here are some advantages of installing foam roofing in your home:

Reduce Energy Bills
One of the major advantages of foam roofing is that it provides premium insulation properties. The acrylic or silicone top coat of the foam directly reflect UV rays. Consequently, less heating is necessary to keep the house warm during the winter months, and less cooling is required in the summer to keep your home cool. It efficiently reduces your buildings energy bills. Moreover, foam roofs can even reduce commercial cooling costs by about 30%..

Another prominent advantage of installing a foam roof is that it provides unique waterproofing qualities. Most importantly, polyurethane foam is among the best insulators available in the market. The closed-cell foam is the only insulating material that doesn’t thoroughly absorb water. It also makes foam roofing perfect for areas that experience heavy rainfall each year.

Flexible Installation
Typically, foam is applied on both existing and new roofing projects. Furthermore, it can be applied on multiple kinds of roofs, like pitched, domed, wood, flat, metal, and concrete roofing. In fact, foam is used on uneven-shaped roofs too. When you decide to get foam roofing installation, you no longer worry about an expensive roof replacement.

Maintain Structural Integrity
Polyurethane foam is known to have the ability to resist the build-up and contraction of the structure. Foam can easily resist direct sunshine, high winds, and rain along with other natural elements without breaking down. Moreover, they can stay tightly sealed to the roof for a long-time, protecting your roof from severe weather conditions.

Appropriate Drainage
An advantage that you can’t forget is that it lets rainwater sink into the drains. It’s made possible by inserting slight thickness in low areas. Doing so, ‘flat roof’ is basically a bit of a misnomer. There’s a little slope that lets rainwater flow out of the roof and go into the gutters.
Hopefully, now that you know all the advantages of foam roofing, it will be easy for you to make the right roof decision for your commercial building..

8 Tips For Keeping Your Roofing Strong

8 Tips For Keeping Your Roofing Strong

Home rooftop care is significant for maintaining the general health of your home. By adopting a proactive strategy, you’ll stay away from costly repairs and uncomfortable living. Yet, maintaining your rooftop isn’t as easy as you’d expect. It tends to be a seriously daunting task, particularly if you’re a first-time homeowner or have never done any rooftop work. No matter what kind of rooftop your home has, you need to protect it and prolong its life expectancy, and here are some ways you can do it.

Tips Suggested by the Best Denver Roofer in the Business
1. Keep Assessing Your Shingles
If you have a shingle roof, you must always ensure that your shingles are all in great shape and working the way that they ought to. When one shingle is harmed or missing, it makes your entire rooftop undeniably more prone to serious harm. Dampness on a roof can result in mold development, and severe storms can harm rooftops or eliminate them entirely.

Ensure that you’re paying special attention to these prominent signs alongside indications of breaking, parting, twisting, or general wear and tear. If you find shingles with these issues, you’ll have to either replace them or have a ROOF COMPANY COLORADO come in to make the fixes. Regularly making these little fixes will help you save money and keep you away from any major issues that may happen.

2. Treat Your Roof for Growths
It’s always smart to get your rooftop checked yearly for moss, lichen, and algae development, and whether you live in a climate that encourages the growth of such things or not, doesn’t matter. It’s one of the most significant COMMERCIAL ROOFING DENVER tips, particularly when your house is in a space that is regularly exposed to high levels of humidity. When you see moss, lichen, and fungi developing on your roof, it’s something beyond an aesthetic issue. It can really prompt severe damage and water leaks. Take the proactive step of having your roof expertly cleaned and then treated with items that will aid in preventing the development of any new problems.

3. Focus on Gutter Care
Numerous homeowners view gutter care as an irritating thing on their daily agenda, yet it’s vital for your rooftop care. Legitimate drain support is among the best care you can provide to keep a sound rooftop and keep it away from leakage. When your drains are looking great, they safeguard your rooftop and your home’s foundation.

Gutters direct water and wreckage away from your home, which keeps your rooftop clean and alleviates strain from standing water. Trim any trees or brush that hangs straight over your gutters to make your job easier. If you’d prefer not to get on a step stool to wipe out your drains consistently, that is OK as well.

4. Dispose of Debris and Leaves
If you have a flat rooftop, you’ll have to make sure and consistently clear off the trash and leaves that collect on top of it. This is one of the top tips on FLAT ROOF REPAIR DENVER COLORADO because if the trash and leaves are immaculate, they get weighty and place pressure on your rooftop. This can create issues like water leaks, structural issues, shingle damage, and moss or fungi development.

This can happen to slanted rooftops as well. If you face a severe storm, it’s smart to physically remove garbage and leaves. Or else your drains will get overburdened, resulting in fixes or replacement. To prevent abundant garbage and leaves from assembling on your roof, keep on trimming any overhanging branches.

5. Actually look at Your Flashing
Rooftop flashing is a flimsy material that assists in directing water away from regions where it could somehow accumulate. It’s generally installed around chimneys, bay windows, and vents that are spread around your rooftop. While the flashing is damaged, it can rapidly prompt structural issues, water damage, or holes in your home.

The longer you let these leaks prevail, the more harm your interior will absorb. As a part of your rooftop care, check and ensure your flashing for any indications of harm. Concentrate on the flashing and the caulk used to secure it.If it is harmed, contact a roofing expert to sort it out.

6. Insulate Your Attic
Many homeowners don’t understand the importance of an attic in maintaining the life span of your rooftop. Without sufficient attic insulation, your rooftop can be exposed to risky ice dams and the winter climate. Without insulation, snow and ice start to liquefy from the bottom up, which prevents it from falling off of your rooftop. When the weather conditions get colder once more, it prompts a perilous freeze-defrost cycle that puts a lot of weight on your rooftop. Insulation is essential to rooftop care since it assists with safeguarding against ice dams and will ensure that your house is comfortable all year.

7. Take the Proper Care Against Sun Exposure
Warm weather conditions are ideal, but the sun’s strong UV rays aren’t only harmful to human skin. UV rays can harm your roofing materials and, over time, make them more susceptible to harm. Realizing that your house is in danger offers you the chance to be proactive and work with an expert material project worker to take steps in counteraction, like going for regular ROOF COATINGS DENVER.

8. Look for a Reputable Roofing Professional
One of the best ways to keep your rooftop in great shape is by having a trustworthy roofing expert manage it. With so many companies in the market, it can be hard to find the best among them. If you are in need of a roofing expert, then there are a couple of tips that you must follow:

Steps to Find an Expert Foam Roof Denver
Request Referrals
Your neighbors, friends, and relatives all need material services. Ask them for references. Knowing about roofing experts that have worked for people you know is an incredible method for finding out about local organizations, the nature of their work, and their prices.

Actually take a look at Certifications
Set aside some margin to actually take a look at the certifications of these organizations. You shouldn’t believe a roofing expert that doesn’t have the legitimate certificates or training to conduct business at your home. Ensure that they have legitimate certificates and insurance so that you’re protected if things go south.

Try not to be pressured.
If you have any desire to call a roofing expert to clarify pressing issues, don’t feel compelled to work with them. Just because you’re in talks with an organization doesn’t mean you have to choose them. Question them until you have full confidence in the organization and their services. If you don’t feel like it’s the right fit, don’t feel compelled to enlist them.

Consider their ratings.
Go on the web and check the ratings for the roofing expert on accredited websites. If they have great reviews, then it’s a positive sign. If the ratings are low, then continuing to search for a more qualified roofing professional is ideal.

How Can Roof Coating Extend The Life Of A Commercial Roof?

How Can Roof Coating Extend The Life Of A Commercial Roof?

Your roof is designed to protect you from the elements. Because your roof is that first line of defense, it can take a beating – particularly from some of the abusive elements Colorado weather can throw its way. Roof coatings are a way to significantly extend the life of a commercial roof by offering a protective layer that prevents damage and deterioration.

Colorado is famous for its sunny days, but the constant barrage of sunlight and UV rays can take its toll on your commercial roof. Don’t forget about the hailstorms and snowfall, as well. Getting commercial roof coatings in Denver has a multitude of benefits, but protection and durability are just a couple of them.

Waterproofing & Reflectivity

Roof coating will cover your commercial roof with a seamless, waterproof barrier on the roof’s surface. This will keep water from seeping through the roof, and the coating will also seal small cracks and leaks in the existing roof. Water damage is a common problem with roofs, as it can lead to leaks, mildew, and mold. The coating prevents further water damage and helps your roof keep its integrity for years to come.

The majority of commercial roof coatings are white, which allows them to reflect the sun’s rays and radiation away from the roof. The coating acts as a shield against harmful UV rays, preventing the roof from breaking down due to the effects of the sun. This prevention of damage also can prolong the life of the roof. The reflective nature of the coating also increases the energy efficiency of a building by diminishing the amount of heat that gets absorbed through the roof. Lower cooling costs also means less strain on your HVAC system.

Versatility That’s Easy To Maintain

Roof coatings are designed to be flexible. This allows the coating to expand and contract with the natural movements of the building through any season. Flexibility also prevents the roof from cracking and splitting, ensuring that the whole coating remains intact. Because the coating is generally sprayed on, it’s a viable option for any roof. Chimneys, vents, and other openings will be coated around, so that all of the building’s other processes continue to work properly.

The continuous surface from roof coatings also makes it very easy to take care of and troubleshoot for future issues. The entire surface of the roof will be smooth for easy cleaning and maintenance. Consistent maintenance is also much simpler, as it’s very easy to clean off debris and inspect for damage. All of these benefits make roof coatings a cost-effective option, as well. The coating is less expensive than a full roof replacement, and it will provide significant savings down the line.

The effectiveness of the roof coating will depend on the condition of the existing roof, but it’s also important to get it applied by experienced and trained professionals. For more experience on how a commercial roof coating might be right for you, reach out to the experts at Colorado Weather Coatings today.

Roof Replacement Preparation Tips

Roof Replacement Preparation Tips

Is your roof’s replacement date approaching? Are you stressed out about how you’ll prepare for it?

Don’t be too concerned. You can do some things to get ready for the big day.

Always eager to assist, we’ve compiled a list of tips to help you prepare for the day of your roof repair. Thinking about your pets and moving your vehicles are just two things you can do to ensure that everything goes as planned on your end.

Continue reading to find out how to prepare for a roof replacement.

Take things off the wall.The installation of your roof causes vibrations throughout your home. This is especially true if your roofing contractor in denver uses hand-nailing as a method of installation.

Just because something is on your wall doesn’t mean these vibrations will destroy it. To be safe, if you have anything valuable, important, or irreplaceable, remove it until the job is finished.

Examine your propertyThe day before your roof replacement by a roofing company in Denver, walk around the outside of your house and inspect it. Check for ripped window screens, dented gutters, broken light fixtures, or any other existing damage.

It is also your opportunity to inspect what is not damaged and photograph everything before the replacement process begins. If you discover damage later, you’ll know it was caused by the roofing contractor.

A reputable roof repair contractor will do everything possible to protect your property. If they do cause damage, they will admit it and take care of the problem.

But beware: some contractors hide the fact that they are not responsible for any damage in the fine print of the quote.

Consider your pets.Consider your pets and how they react to loud noises when preparing for a new roof by a roofing company in Colorado.

If your dog is afraid of storms, we guarantee they will not enjoy the banging that comes with a replacement. The customer even reported that their cat did not come out from under the bed for a week after the project was finished.

We recommend that you find a place for your dog or cat to stay on the day of your replacement. Thinking about your pets is only one factor to consider before replacing your roof.

Turn off your sprinkler system.While the vehicles will not be on your lawn, your roofing contractor will. If you have a lawn irrigation system, We recommend turning it off on the day of and a day or two before your roof replacement.

Walking on wet grass after it has been freshly watered will damage your prized lawn. It’s not something you’d think about when getting a new roof, but it’s just one of the things your roofing contractor will do to protect your yard and property.

Get your vehicles moved.On the day of your roof replacement, your driveway will be occupied by a dump truck/trailer and the vehicles of your roofing contractor. If you intend to leave during the roof replacement, it is critical that you move your vehicles before your contractor arrives so that you are not blocked in.

If you become blocked and need to exit, the entire process must be stopped and cleared to allow you to proceed. A reputable roofing contractor will ensure that your vehicles are removed from the driveway or garage.

Check to see if there is a power source outside.When a colorado roofing company contractor comes out to inspect your roof, one of the first questions they will ask is if you have an outside power source. They’ll test it to make sure it’s still working, and if it isn’t, they’ll know they need a generator when they come to replace your roof.

They’ll need power if they need to cut wood to replace rotten decking. When you replace your roof, you are replacing just one component of a quality roof system.

Determine whether you want to stay at home.A roof replacement by a roofing contractor in Denver is already loud and annoying, but it gets even louder inside your home.

So, if you work from home or plan to stay at home for the day, you might want to go somewhere else. Remember, the decision to stay or leave is entirely up to you.

However, you must decide whether or not to stay at home during the installation before the day of the installation.

Do not activate your security system.If you must leave while your roof is being installed, always lock your doors and turn off your alarm.

Keep in mind that a roof replacement by a roofing contractor in Denver causes vibrations. If you have a security system, these vibrations and noises could set it off. The last thing you want to do is drive all the way home and bother the cops.

Why you shouldn’t DIYIf your commercial DIY roof job goes wrong, you could face costly lawsuits and be held liable for any damage or loss. A poorly installed roof may collapse and injure third parties, who may sue you. You could also be held liable for mold and roof leaks that cause damage to people’s possessions. A commercial denver roofing company should handle any installation or roof replacement work. They will be held accountable if anything goes wrong.

What to Expect on Your Roof Replacement DayYou’re ready for your new roof to be installed when you consider your pets, inspect your property, and take things off the wall. These are the steps you can take to assist with the replacement process.

You need to know about the actual replacement process now that you know how to prepare. Learning the procedure prepares you for the most important day of your roof’s life.

Fortunately, we’ve already simplified it for you.

So go ahead and get your roof repaired by the best roofing company in Colorado as you know that now you have the best knowledge for roofing and are equipped with the right ways to ensure that you don’t scare your pets or damage your lawn in the process when it goes on.